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Hany Samir
Friday, 6 October 2006

Posted by kahirapharma at 9:07 AM EEST
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Do you know the story of the Egyptian farmer Literate? !

Alec story

Egyptian peasant is lived since 4000 years in

a village called salt field in Fayyoum found

that the grain warehouse supervisor of the

force taking up pastoralist Bhaslat village of

donkeys, and headed for the city to replace

Haslath yield and the road traffic bound to the

house Thotti Nacht, an employee, when he

saw a small Thotti coveted donkeys closed

down in the road in front of the farmer va Star

to move within a field owned by King Vacl

blockhead nothing of the field whereupon the

farmer and Thotti arrested and released

donkeys and the farmer humiliation, torture

and imprisonment on charges of breach of the

security of the State Thotti thought that the

release of the farmer whose tender escape,

but the farmer refused to escape and went to

the false Renzi Ben O Director of the great

House P is an urgent investigation, but the

rest of the staff sided against their fellow

farmers and pray that the farmer may be

shirking from taxes and ignored the issue in

their donkeys completely, but the farmer has

not given up and gone to the Director of the

great House told him boldly For you, the

father and husband of the widow orphan

brother who Migration parents and Lester

from him or not, I put your name in this land,

 so you may be left over every law just Jaiha

 leader not tainted by greed and avoid petty

duty outcry proffered by my mouth Start

Justice and disclose averted me in a dilemma

and I felt pleased Director of eloquence

farmer and went to tell him a King for the

whole story, the complaint Literate Farmer

 disappointment at the lack of justice with the

hint of sanctions and that God speaking to the

eternal truth is approaching spoke of honesty

and doing great and that the penalty for

Sitbak even aging of the cheat will not alive

and children will ship moored on the ground

will not be secret Said King Day many

complaint Literate Farmer, and ordered the

return of all the donkeys to farmer


Posted by kahirapharma at 9:02 AM EEST
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Posted by kahirapharma at 8:58 AM EEST
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Do you know the story of the Egyptian farmer Literate? !

Alec story

Egyptian peasant is lived since 4000 years in a village called salt field in Fayyoum found that the grain warehouse supervisor of the force taking up pastoralist Bhaslat village of donkeys, and headed for the city to replace Haslath yield and the road traffic bound to the house Thotti Nacht, an employee, when he saw a small Thotti coveted donkeys closed down in the road in front of the farmer va Star to move within a field owned by King Vacl blockhead nothing of the field whereupon the farmer and Thotti arrested and released donkeys and the farmer humiliation, torture and imprisonment on charges of breach of the security of the State Thotti thought that the release of the farmer whose tender escape, but the farmer refused to escape and went to the false Renzi Ben O Director of the great House P is an urgent investigation, but the rest of the staff sided against their fellow farmers and pray that the farmer may be shirking from taxes and ignored the issue in their donkeys completely, but the farmer has not given up and gone to the Director of the great House told him boldly For you, the father and husband of the widow orphan brother who Migration parents and Lester from him or not, I put your name in this land, so you may be left over every law just Jaiha leader not tainted by greed and avoid petty duty outcry proffered by my mouth Start Justice and disclose averted me in a dilemma and I felt pleased Director of eloquence farmer and went to tell him a King for the whole story, the complaint Literate Farmer disappointment at the lack of justice with the hint of sanctions and that God speaking to the eternal truth is approaching spoke of honesty and doing great and that the penalty for Sitbak even aging of the cheat will not alive and children will ship moored on the ground will not be secret Said King Day many complaint Literate Farmer, and ordered the return of all the donkeys to farmer


Posted by kahirapharma at 8:55 AM EEST
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